
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Wednesday Jun 28, 2023
Against all odds, The Flash movie was finally released. In spite of Ezra Miller's best efforts to shelf the film with their awful behavior, Warner Bros. opted against the Batgirl treatment and set this trainwreck loose in the wild. Ian is joined by friend of the show Ed Carroll for a post-mortem on The Flash, and the DCEU as a whole. At least we got some Keaton, and another beloved DC figure in ITM lore.
For more of Ed, follow him on Twitter @EdRevelator34
Ian's review of the film: https://ianthomasmalone.com/2023/06/the-flash-is-an-embarrassing-mess-fitting-for-the-current-state-of-the-dceu/

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Ian unpacks a question that she was asked by a Grindr date last week. Is there anything wrong with going out with guys who fetishize trans women? Like many trans femmes, ITM is not a fan of being objectified, but she tries her best to unpack the reality of how trans people are seen in this vast dating realm.

Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Pride is upon us! It's a pretty shitty time to be a trans person in America. Ian muddles through a deconstruction of the idea of optimism, trying her best to piece together something resembling a life in this chaotic timeline.

Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
Ian returns with a foolish story of how she used to rate suitor's prospects by whether they stayed to watch Mister Rogers' Neighborhood with her in bed the morning after. There's not much point to the episode besides this story that's already been spoiled. She thinks listening to the whole story would be a waste of time and didn't want you to suffer.
Ian's article on Mister Rogers that was referenced in the episode: https://fansided.com/2020/03/20/mister-rogers-neighborhood-legacy/

Wednesday May 03, 2023
Wednesday May 03, 2023
Estradiol Illusions celebrates its fourth anniversary... a month late. Ian takes a look at trans life nearly a decade in, from the mistakes of her youth to the current heavily anti-trans climate here in the US. She's not really sure why this show has grown in popularity, but she's grateful to have you here.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
Wednesday Feb 08, 2023
ITM spends some time with one of her least favorite subjects, her own gender. Not quite feeling like a woman these days, Ian doesn't really know what that means. Her gender is probably just tired, or hormonal, or hungry. Maybe all three.

Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Thursday Dec 15, 2022
Our holiday coverage concludes with a merger of our pop culture and personal programming. A Charlie Brown Christmas is one of the most perfect holiday specials in existence, but it'll also occupy an odd place in Ian's life. Ian talks about how she watched this special mere minutes before a four-year relationship ended, days before Christmas. Ian really didn't like the idea of such a good special being tied up in trauma, making a vow to reclaim the Peanuts and all their glory. Those efforts ultimately shaped her year of mischief and healing, the promise of Christmas manifested in the heart of a chaotic transsexual.
Enjoy your holidays and have a very happy New Year.

Friday Dec 09, 2022
Friday Dec 09, 2022
Continuing our Rankin/Bass holiday coverage with what might be their most normal special of them all. Despite its unwieldy title, The First Christmas actually tells a relatively cohesive story, albeit a fairly mundane narrative about a young shepherd who regains his sight through the magic of a Nativity play. Oddly secular given its church setting, The First Christmas is a good case study for how other Rankin/Bass specials might have turned out if they didn't try to pad out their runtimes with bizarre filler.
Be sure to check out our other episodes covering the Rankin/Bass cinematic universe!

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Have you ever watched Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer and wondered if all the bullying might be better with a firmer helping of Jesus? That's basically Nestor the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey, a shorter ripoff of Rudolph with a truncated plot and fewer compelling characters. One of the more forgettable entries into the Rankin/Bass canon, Ian struggles to understand the point of this mess.
Be sure to check out all of our other holiday episodes, including coverage of most of the Rankin/Bass stop motion specials.

Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
Wednesday Dec 07, 2022
We are back in the Rankin/Bass cinematic universe with a special that’s mostly Christmas adjacent. Jack Frost mostly identifies, for whatever reason, as a Groundhog Day special. Despite its incredibly annoying narrator, Jack Frost stands out as one of the most cohesive holiday specials in the Rankin/Bass canon, a tragic narrative that shines above its abundant filler. Maybe Ian just really likes Jack’s sparkly outfit.
Be sure to check out all of our other Rankin/Bass holiday episodes.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
We are back in the Rankin/Bass cinematic universe for another December full of overanalyzing bizarre children's television. Santa Claus is Comin' to Town is a fairly straightforward (at least by Rankin/Bass standards) origin story, albeit one that spends a bit too much time explaining every single facet of Claus lore. Ian looks at the special's legacy against some of its popular contemporaries and its peculiar underwhelming third act.
Be sure to check out all of our past holiday coverage, including episodes on most of the Rankin/Bass stop-motion specials.

Friday Dec 02, 2022
Friday Dec 02, 2022
We're back with an episode on a controversial relationship practice that ITM happens to love. The Irish Goodbye of dating gets a bad rap, but life is not a journey that always requires closure. People come and go in each other's lives all the time, not necessarily for reasons that take things like fault or rejection into the equation. As shitty as ghosting can feel, the alternatives are often far more unpleasant for both the recipient and the executioner.
Christmas coverage will begin in the next few days! Please leave a rating or review for EI on Apple if you enjoy our show.

Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Grab your gamma radiation and your law degree, we're doing a whole episode on She-Hulk: Attorney at Law. Ian dives into what she referred to as the MCU's best TV series, examining the mash-up of Ally McBeal with Marvel's established formula. Ian also examines the state of the broader MCU TV affairs, a territory we haven't revisited on EI since WandaVision. The incels may have hated it, but what do they know about comic books anyway?
Ian's written review:
EI's previous WandaVision review:

Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Wednesday Sep 21, 2022
Another election season is upon us. The Senate hangs in the balance, a 50/50 split that will come down to just a few states. Republicans have put forth morally bankrupt morons such as Herschel Walker and Dr. Crudité Oz for their candidates, threatening to further sully the already rancid cesspool that is our government.
Biden isn't a perfect president and the Democrats have left a lot to be desired. That said, there is no comparison with the alternative, and it is our civic duty to try and bludgeon expected GOP gains. Every ballot has candidates on it who can improve your community. Please vote.
Our 2020 Senate episode, where ITM got most of it right: https://ianthomasmalone.podbean.com/e/vote-joe-biden-2020-senate-analysis/

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
On the eve of Big Brother 24, we are absolutely delighted to welcome Kevin Jacobs, winner of Big Brother Canada 10, to the show. Kevin played a subtlety dominant in the BBCAN house, shaping the trajectory of the game without ever besting a Head of Household competition, becoming the first winner to pull of that feat since the iconic Dr. Will Kirby back in BB2.
Kevin shares his extensive knowledge of game theory, navigating the murky waters of the early game to survive a week one eviction, steering clear of the carnage wrought by BBCAN10’s multiple seven-person alliances, and forging the Crash Test Dummies alliance that took center stage down the stretch. Ian throws in some Kant for good measure.
Past seasons of Big Brother Canada are available on Paramount+. Canadian viewers or viewers with one of those things called a VPN can get a taste of the delicious BBCAN10 action at https://www.bigbrothercanada.ca/
You can follow Kevin on Twitter @KevinTedJacobs or Instagram @kevintedjacobs

Friday Jun 10, 2022
Friday Jun 10, 2022
Another vagina-themed episode! ITM talks about the current state of her downstairs equipment since her service on the Tinder front lines. Things on the home front are looking in tip top shape, validating her semi-problematic assertion that the best gender affirmation comes through others, coming into you. She may not be the woman America wants, but ITM is committed to being the champion our country desperately needs.
Ian's debut comedy album Confessions from My New Vagina is streaming wherever you get your music.